Represents a single MARC record
A MARC record contains a leader and zero or more fields held within a linked list structure. Fields are represented by File_MARC_Data_Field objects.
Located in /MARC/Record.php (line 53)
Contains a linked list of File_MARC_Data_Field objects for
this record
Record leader
Non-fatal warnings generated during parsing
Start function
Set all variables to defaults to create new File_MARC_Record object
Destroys the data field
Add a warning to the MARC record that something non-fatal occurred during parsing.
Appends field to MARC record
Adds a File_MARC_Control_Field or File_MARC_Data_Field object to the end of the existing list of fields.
Delete all occurrences of a field matching a tag name from the record.
Return the first File_MARC_Data_Field or File_MARC_Control_Field object that matches the specified tag name. Returns false if no match is found.
Return an array or File_MARC_List containing all File_MARC_Data_Field or File_MARC_Control_Field objects that match the specified tag name. If the tag name is omitted all fields are returned.
Get MARC leader
Returns the leader for the MARC record. No validation on the specified leader is performed.
Return the array of warnings from the MARC record.
Inserts a field in the MARC record relative to an existing field
Inserts a File_MARC_Control_Field or File_MARC_Data_Field object before or after a specified existing field.
Prepends field to MARC record
Adds a File_MARC_Control_Field or File_MARC_Data_Field object to the start of to the existing list of fields.
Set MARC record leader
Sets the leader for the MARC record. No validation on the specified leader is performed.
Set MARC record leader lengths
Set the Leader lengths of the record according to defaults specified in
Return the record in raw MARC format.
If you have modified an existing MARC record or created a new MARC record, use this method to save the record for use in other programs that accept the MARC format -- for example, your integrated library system.
Return the MARC record in MARCXML format
This method produces an XML representation of a MARC record that attempts to adhere to the MARCXML standard documented at
Return the MARC record in a pretty printed string
This method produces an easy-to-read textual display of a MARC record.
The structure is roughly: <tag> <ind1> <ind2> _
Documentation generated on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 23:44:42 -0500 by phpDocumentor 1.3.1